Decision Analysis Including Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making


Bell, D.E., Schleifer, A. Jr. 1995. Decision Making Under Uncertainty, Course Technology, Inc., Cambridge, MA

Clemen, R. T. 1996. Making Hard Decisions, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 2nd ed., Pacific Grove, CA

Golub, A.L. 1997. Decision Analysis: An Integrated Approach, Wiley, New York

Goodwin, P., and Wright G.2004. Decision Analysis for Management Judgment, Third Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Chichester, West Sussex, England

Hammond, J., Keeney, R., Raiffa, H. 1998. Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Better Decisions, Broadway Books

Hastie R. and Dawes R. 2001. Rational Choices in an Uncertain World, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA

Heuer, Richards J., Jr. 1999. Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, U.S. Government Printing Office

Schuyler, J. 2016, Risk and Decision Analysis in Projects, 3rd Edition, USA: Planning Press

Skinner, D. 1999. Introduction to Decision Analysis, Second Edition, Probabilistic Publishing, Gainesville FL

Popular Book on Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making


Ariely, D. 2009. Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. Harper; Rev Exp edition

Baron, J. 1998. Judgment misguided: Intuition and error in public decision making. Oxford University Press, USA; Trade edition

Bernstein P. 1998. Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk. Wiley

Brafman O. and Brafman R.  2009. Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior. Broadway Business; Reprint edition

Gigerenzer G. 2007. Gut Feelings. The Intelligence of the Unconscious. Viking.

Godin S. 2005. All Marketers Are Liars: The Power of Telling Authentic Stories in a Low-Trust World. Portfolio Hardcover.

Goleman D. 2006. Emotional Intelligence. Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. 10th Anniversary Edition. Bantam

Esgate, A. and Groome, D. 2004. An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology. New York: Psychology Press.

Mercino A. 2007. Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers: The People Skills You Need to Achieve Outstanding Results. AMACOM

Harford T. 2008. The Logic of Life. NY: Random House.

Plous, S. 1993. The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making, McGraw-Hill

Powell R. and Buede D. 2009. The Project Manager’s Guide to Making Successful Decisions. Vienna VA: Management Concepts

Russo, E., 1990. Decision Traps: The Ten Barriers to Decision Making and How to Overcome Them, Fireside

Russo, E. and Schoemaker P. 2001. Winning Decisions: Getting It Right the First Time. Currency

Schwartz, B. 2005. The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less. New York: Harper Perennial, 2005.

Thaler R. H. and Sunstein C. R. 2007. Nudge. Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

Welch D. 2001. Decisions, Decisions: The Art of Effective Decision Making. Prometheus Books; 1st edition

Theory of Probability and Statistics


Anderson D., Sweeney D., Williams T. 2006. Quantitative Methods for Business, 10th ed., Thomson Higher Education, Mason, OH

Freedman, D., Pisani R., Purves R.1998. Statistics, 3rd edition, W. W. Norton & Company; New York

Project Management Including Project Risk Management


AACE. 2011. AACE International Recommended Practice No. 57R-09. Integrated Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis using Monte Carlo Simulation of a CPM Model.

Barkley B. 2004. Project Risk Management. McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition (July 19, 2004)

Binder, J. 2007. Global Project Management. Communication, Collaboration and Management Across Borders. Gower Publishing, Aldershot, Hampshire, UK

Cretu, O., Stewart R.B., Berends T. 2011. Risk Management for Design and Construction. RSMeans (June 15 2011)

Demarco, T. and Lister, T. 2003. Waltzing with Bear: Managing Risks on Software Projects. Dorset House

Futrell, R., Shafer D., and Shafer L. 2002. Quality Software Project Management, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ

Ghantt, T. 2012. Project Risk Management: Using Failure Mode Effect Analysis for Project Management. Plumbline Publishing Group; 1 edition (November 26, 2012)

Goodpasture J. 2004. Quantitative Methods in Project Management, J.Ross Publishing, Boca Raton, FL

Heldman, K. 2005. Project Manager’s Spotlight on Risk Management, Harbor Light Press, Alameda, CA

Hillson, D. 2003. Effective Opportunity Management for Projects, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1st ed.

Hillson D. and Murrey-Webster R. 2007. Understanding and Managing Risk Attitude. 2nd edition. Aldershot, UK: Gower Publishing

Hillson D. and Murrey-Webster R. 2008. Managing Group Risk Attitude. Aldershot, UK: Gower Publishing

Hillson, D. 2014. The Risk Doctor’s Cures for Common Risk Ailments. Management Concepts Press (August 1, 2014)

Hulett, D. 2009. Practical Schedule Risk Analysis. Gower Pub Co; New edition (July 8 2009)

Hulett, D. 2011. Integrated Cost-Schedule Risk Analysis. Ashgate Publishing. New edition (June 1, 2011)

Hubbard D. W. 2009. The Failure of Risk Management: Why It’s Broken and How to Fix It. Wiley

Jordan, A. 2013. Risk Management for Project Driven Organizations: A Strategic Guide to Portfolio, Program and PMO Success, J Ross Publishing (May 16, 2013)

Jutte, B. 2009. Project Risk Management Handbook: The invaluable guide for managing project risks, Mantaba Publishing (May 20, 2009)

Kendrick, T. 2015. Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project. AMACOM; Third Edition (March 25, 2015)

Klastorin, T. 2004. Project Management. Tools and Trade-Offs. Wiley

Milocevic, D. 2003. Project Management Toolbox: Tools and Techniques for Practicing Project Manager, Wiley

Project Management Institute. 2017. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ® Guide), 6th Edition, Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

Pritchard, C. 2014. Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance, Fifth Edition 5th Edition, Auerbach Publications; 5 edition (December 17, 2014)

Raydugin, Y. 2013. Project Risk Management: Essential Methods for Project Teams and Decision Makers, Wiley; 1 edition (September 10, 2013)

Salkeld, D. 2013. Understanding Risk Analysis: A Guide for Managers, Gower Publishing Company; 1 edition (March 1, 2013)

Schuyler, J. 2001. Risk and Decision Analysis in Projects, 3nd edition, Project Management Institute, Newton Square, PA

Vose, D. 2008, Risk Analysis: A Quantitative Guide, 3rd edition, Great Britain: Wiley

Walaski, P. 2011. Risk and Crisis Communications: Methods and Messages. Wiley; 1 edition (September 6, 2011)

Warren, R. 2013. Project Risk Management: The Most Important Methods and Tools for Successful Projects, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (March 14, 2013)

Whitten, N. 2005. Neal Whitten’s No-nonsense Advice for Successful Projects, Management Concepts, Vienna, VA

Wideman, R.M. 1992. (Ed.) Project and Program Risk Management. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

Game Theory


Bierman, H. S. and L. Fernandez. 1998. Game Theory with Economic Applications, Addison-Wesley

Dutta, P. 2000. Strategies and Games: Theory and Practice, MIT Press

Agile Project Management


Cockburn A. 2001. Agile Software Development: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition

Cohn M. 2005. Agile Estimating and Planning (Robert C. Martin Series) Prentice Hall PTR

Highsmith J. 2004. Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products (The Agile Software Development Series) Addison-Wesley Professional

Larman C. 2003. Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager’s Guide, Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition

Corporate Culture and Peopleware


De Marco, T., and Timothy L. 1987. Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, New York: Dorset House

McConell, S. 1996. Rapid Development, Microsoft Press, Redmont, WA,

Sanders, T. 2003. Love is Killer App, Three Rivers Press, Reprint edition

Weinberg, G. M. 1982. Becoming a Technical Leader, New York: Dorset House

Happiness and Life-Satisfaction


Diener E. and Biswas-Diener R. 2009. Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth. Wiley-Blackwell

Fredrickson B. 2009. Positivity: Groundbreaking Research Reveals How to Embrace the Hidden Strength of Positive Emotions, Overcome Negativity, and Thrive. Crown

Gilbert, D. 2006, Stumbling on Happiness, Knopf

Lyubomirsky S. 2007. The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want. Penguin Press

Seligman M. 2004. Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment. Free Press